Energoprojekt Hidroinženjering Consulting Engineers Co. Ltd.
Hidroinzenjering Consulting Engineers Co. Ltd. is a company that belongs to
Energoprojekt Group. Energoprojekt Hidroinzenjering provides a full range of
engineering services in the field of civil engineering, energy sources and
water treatment. Company’s services cover multidisciplinary consulting,
engineering, construction and financial arrangements, project management and
procurement activities.
Company has 160 highly qualified employees, employed in the following departments: civil-engineering, mechanical-engineering, electrical-engineering, geological, surveying, agricultural and technological departments and it represents a regional leader in the field of designing water management and hydropower facilities and dam structures. Energoprojekt Hidroinzenjering has implemented complex projects in more than 30 countries all over the world. Company’s head office is in Belgrade (Serbia) and has offices in Algeria, Peru, Jordan, BiH, Montenegro and Uganda covering projects abroad. A vast logistic network of Energoprojekt Group representative offices worldwide is also available to Energoprojekt Hidroinzenjering.
Simo Perišić
Team Leader